The Purcell High School Band

The Purcell High School Marching Band ( Est. 1930 - 31 )

Started up by the teachers and students at Purcell High School during the (1930 - 31) school year to show pride in their school and provide support for the PHS Athletic teams. The band has always been a constant on-site supporter of Purcell High School Athletics since that time

Over the years, thousands of Purcell High School band students and instructors have spent long hours practicing in the hot summer days to get their Friday night routine down pat.

PHS Band Directors over the years have ranged from Frank Edmoundson, Ron Osborn, Tom Blackburn, Jack Rawlins, up until present instructor David Hilger, just to name a few.

Recent PHS Band Drum Majors will range from former OU Pride of Oklahoma Drum major and Dragon James Wright, Terry Webster, Lisa Owens and Jon Harrison

From the PHS Marching 100 of the 1960's up until the State Championship Bands that current PHS Band Director David Hilger has produced, no Purcell football or basketball game would ever be the same without the Purcell High School Marching Band providing support

James Wright - PHS and OU Marching Band Drum Major